Shu (Warriors Orochi)
The Shu alliance refers to the crossover force exclusive to the Warriors Orochi series. The characters in this particular faction all follow a character who originated from Shu. When the Warriors Orochi universe was created, the kingdom defied Orochi's forces atCheng Du but saw they were outmatched. They suffered a great loss when Liu Bei was captured during his escape. To ensure his safety, many of Shu's generals joined the snake demon.
This particular force began as a resistance effort against Orochi's tyranny. They wished to rescue Liu Bei and their army gained sympathizers. Once their lord is freed, he makes it his goal to capture Da Ji and protect the land's new found peace.Story
In the second game, the threats of Dong Zhuo, Masamune Date, Lu Bu, and Cao Cao threaten the land, and also, therefore, threaten Liu Bei and Shu. After Orochi's death, Ieyasu Tokugawa and Yoshimoto Imagawa met with Liu Bei somewhere in time. Both were surprised and delighted by his respect and nobility, and coming to respect him, join Shu with their forces, along with a happy Sun Shang Xiang. But also, Da Ji, Orochi's former strategist, has been hiding in Shi Ting. Liu Bei realized that if Da Ji was left alone, havoc was sure to follow. The Shu forces track Da Ji down, much to her surprise at Liu Bei's ability to actually attack. However, the enemy's magic forced the officers not be able to advance, nor would Da Ji's garrison open. Da Ji then calls for her "portly comrade", which turns out to be a very gruesome Dong Zhuo. Also at this time, a Mystic force made up of Taigong Wang, and Zuo Ci. Taigong Wang had come to capture Da Ji and bring her to divine justice, while Zuo Ci had also come to defeat Liu Bei's attackers. Wang, with his powers, seeks Da Ji from afar and opens her garrison, leaving a stunned Da Ji. After the battle is won, Taigong Wang and Liu Bei come to conversate, leading Taigong Wang to take a liking to "General" Liu Bei for his politeness. The leader of Shu then offered an alliance with the Mystic, as they were both looking for Da Ji. They ally with a mutual Zuo Ci.
Though Shu failed to capture Da Ji herself, they managed to welcome in a brilliant tactician and military genius. Secretly, Taigong Wang doubted the abilities of mortals, seeing them as pawns in his own plan to capture his rival. The Kingdom finds out that most recently, Masamune Date, the right-hand man of the late Orochi, allied with Da Ji. Luckily, Ieyasu knows Masamune personally. He requests to take an army to request an audience with Date. In the middle of the battle, reinforcements, led by Zhao Yun and Wei Yan, arrives to help Ieyasu get to Masamune. The Shu army recognizes the central garrison as the main point of battle, and as such, Wei Yan sets out to capture it. During the way, he's ambushed by a Date force, so Hanzo Hattori arrives to help slay the enemies around him. Though there is a very heavy resistance from the Date Triumvirate, a giant rifle unit, and more Date reinforcements, Wei Yan manages to set fire to the central base, eliminating officers located within it. Ieyasu commented on how Masamune is a smart man, and he himself knows that Da Ji is just using him. However, even after clearing the battlefield of enemy armies, Masamune refuses to join the Coalition against Kiyomori and Da Ji, as he believes it's too late to stop the chaos. Ieyasu and the Coalition return to Liu Bei in failure, not being able to save a lost soul, or learn the whereabouts of Da Ji. After Zhao Yun and Wei Yan are absorbed into the main Shu command, Taigong Wang figures out the Da Ji was just stalling for time for her own devious plan. Zhao Yun commented on how Zhuge Liang thought of the same thing.
At Nagashino, Da Ji's plan is working. She bought time for her own plan, though with Shu still pursuing her. The Coalition is halted by an old enemy, Lu Bu. Tadakatsu Honda and Zhang Fei help clear out waves of the fierce army of Lu Bu. In the midst of battle, Lu Xun arrives as aid for the army, sent by Wu. Eventually, Lu Bu's forces are defeated. Afterwards, Lu Xun asks the Shu if they know anything about a man named "Kiyomori Taira". Unfortunately, they have no leads on who "Kiyomori" is, but they know he's villainous, and adds to the stress of another obstacle. However, the youthful duo, Xing Cai and Ina, volunteer to set out to find out more about Kiyomori. The duo, after saying goodbye to worrisome fathers, get to the Wuhang Mountains. A carriage is being led by enemy forces, which Ina makes out to be Gracia, and her father, Mitsuhide Akechi. The Coalition saves the carriage, though are ambushed by Dong Zhuo, who is entranced by all the women surrounding him. They also face a giant fog blanketing the Mountains, but it is debunked by Mitsuhide, who slays the sorcerers that were the source of it. The Shu detachment then takes in the Akechi troop, and proceed to defeat Sun Wukong, the leader of the attacking Taira forces.
Though Kiyomori's demonic grasp began to spread across the land, Taigong Wang simply smiled at the prospect. With Liu Bei and his men overcoming countless obstacles, Taigong Wang's belief in man was greatly moralized. Kiyomori's colossal shadow stood over Shu's main camp, hoping to see man's potential for himself, albeit for entirely different reasons. Guan Yu volunteered to fight with Liu Bei's permission, and the latter accepted the offer, as Guan Yu was absent at the last battle with Lu Bu. Though Dong Zhuo burns down the allied main camp, and phantom soldiers terrorize the army, a glimpse of hope arrives on the battlefield. Zhang Liao, with permission from his lord, appeared as reinforcements, greatly increasing the morale of soldiers. With his help, the Shu army made their way to Kiyomori's camp, whose poisonous gas trap was deactivated. After winning the battle, Taigong Wang finds out Da Ji's location - Odani Castle. He offers to take a force to raid the castle, which Liu Bei agrees to, also agreeing to keep an eye on Kiyomori.
At Odani, Taigong Wang and his army march their way across the battlefield. In his heart, he knew that cooperation with mortals was necessary for his plan to come to fruition. Despite their efforts, Da Ji continuously sends small units, which confuses a young Lu Xun. Even when the armies come closer to the garrison Da Ji is occupying, she moves to another garrison, farther to the West, and getting closer to the East. Taigong and his men are taken in by the Sorceress' trickery, and follow her, until they get to Mt. Yamada Garrison. The allied squadron captures Da Ji, but at the same time, Himiko appears at the Kingo Ward. Da Ji tells Himiko to escape, which Lu Xun figures out, that Da Ji has been stalling for time for Himiko to escape. Yet, in their current location, the Shu units could not reach her. Luckily, Zhuge Liang and his army appeared, blocking all escape routes for Himiko. Taigong Wang comments on how Zhuge Liang seemed to anticipate Da Ji's plans. With minimal effort, Da Ji and her secret weapon, Himiko, were captured. Taigon Wang, figuring that killing them would have no point, as another would occupy their Orochi-supporting place, sent them in a prison wagon to send to Liu Bei.
Zhuge Liang and Taigong conversate, but Lu Xun informs them that the prison wagon containing the prisoners was attatcked by kiyomori, who took the two captives. Kiyomori successfully makes off with Da Ji and Himiko, and his armies head for Koshi Castle, Orochi's resting place. There, he begins a ceremony in which he uses Himiko to revive Orochi. Liu Bei and Shu march onto Koshi Castle, though sends Zhao Yun and his best men to assault the castle. During battle, Zhao Yun and his men cut down both Sun Wukong and Kiyomori Taira, whie Da Ji and Himiko escape yet again. Yet, when the reach the ceremonial palace, only a giant mist of deep red clings to the sky. A booming voice of Orochi challenges man to once again defeat him. Zhao Yun returns to Liu Bei to inform him of what happened. Once again, at the Wu Zhang Plains, the Coalition and Orochi, accompanied by Masamune Date and Da Ji, clash. Eventually Orochi is slain, and put into eternal sleep for the second time.
The Shu officers watch Orochi's main camp burn down. Liu Bei expresses his never-ending gratitude to Taigong Wang, for his help. Taigong Wang still does not understand humans, though he believes that, sometimes, they surpass even the immortal Mystics. An explosion of the burning camp attracts Liu Bei's attention, but when he turns back, Wang is not there. He looks up, and sees the latter on a white horse, and bids him farewell. Zhang Fei runs up to wave goodbye. Ieyasu Tokugawa acknowledges Taigong Wang's cockiness and youth, but also the good in his heart
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